Hyaluronic acid is a major component of normal synovial fluid. Found in the body’s joints, the primary role of synovial fluid is to reduce friction between articular cartilage during movement. Changes in the synovial fluid and degeneration of joint structures may lead to OA pain, most commonly in the hips and knees. Hyaluronic acid (HA) injections such as Monovisc®, Durolane®, and Cingal® have been proven effective in the treatment of pain resulting from early to moderate stage OA by lubricating the cartilage surfaces (much the same as oil lubricates an engine).
The Calgary PRP Clinic offers HA injections both on their own and in conjunction with PRP.
Requestion an appointment today with Calgary PRP Clinic to discuss if Hyaluronic Acid Injections are right for you!
Corticosteroid Injections
Corticosteriod (or Cortisone) injections may be used to relieve pain from OA of the knee and other joints by reducing swelling and inflammation. Relief is often felt quickly following Corticosteroid injections and can last from a few days to several months depending on the individual.
In addition to simply offering cortisone, The Calgary PRP Clinic is proud to offer Cingal® a corticosteriod and viscosupplementation combination treatment that provides the quick pain relief of cortisone with the long term pain relief of a viscosupplement.
Request an appointment today to find out if a Corticosteroid Injection is right for you.
Additional Image-Guided injections offered at this clinic
- Monovisc
- Durolane
- Cingal
- Orthovisc
- SportVis
- nStride
- needle fenestration
- hydrodissection of scars
- hydrodistention of adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)